O.P. Natura Dauna

Prodotti Convenzionali


Broccoli is a type of cabbage, very rich in beneficial properties. It is part of the great Brassicaceae (or crucifereae) family, plants whose immature inflorescence we eat, rather than the foliage.

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Globe Artichoke

With its regal look and bitterish taste, the artichoke is one of Mediterranean’s typical perennials

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Globe Artichoke


Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is a vegetable that doesn’t go unnoticed, both for its shape, which resembles a bouquet, and the intense smell it releases when cooked.

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Il Finocchio

È principalmente noto come depurativo e digestivo ma il finocchio apporta numerosi altri benefici per la salute.La pianta del finocchio (Foeniculum vulgare) è una pianta erbacea mediterranea che appartiene alla famiglia delle Apiaceae, la cui coltivazione è diffusa in tutta Italia. Ricco di minerali, vitamine e antiossidanti, il finocchio presenta numerose proprietà benefiche per la salute. Scopriamolo meglio.

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Il Finocchio

Turnip Greens

Turnip greens, with their pleasantly pungent taste, are a typical Italian vegetable, especially valued in the southern and central regions.

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Turnip Greens


Asparagus is an evergreen perennial. Surprisingly enough it belongs to the Liliaceae family, like lilies and may bells. The part we eat are the sprouts. Its no coincidence the word asparagus comes from latin “asparagus” which precisely means sprout.

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There is a place
where every morning,
the sky joins the earth
to create its fruits.